Existential Musings: Sacred Silence and Walking at Dusk

They say the last hurdle is the hardest. It’s been a tough week. I’ve been feeling fatigued and struggling for motivation. I managed to put a few hours into assignment writing earlier this afternoon and took myself and Brown dog out for a night-time walk this evening.

Dusk is my favourite time to go walking. At dusk, time seems to stop and being in the present moment feels easier somehow. Another day comes to a close and it’s an opportunity to recalibrate and try to make some sense of our time here. We were accompanied by a giant moon, bluebells, a hare and silence. The silence. I am so grateful for the silence and it’s existential wisdom. I ponder times gone, friends and family who have been and gone and wonder about the ones yet to come. I hope I am able to stay open to them, to living.

Our time here is so very short and it’s easy to forget how small we are, how many people came before us and how many people will follow. We can get so caught up in our own affairs or perceived stresses and strains that we forget to wonder at the majesty of it all. We are mere passersby. Let’s allow the constant change and confusion to humble us and play and fumble along together.

Despite what some therapists might say - no amount of talking can replace looking up at the stars at night…or taking your dog for a walk at dusk.

Artist unknown


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